Adam and Elizabeth Pray
are both followers of Jesus Christ and desire to serve Him wholeheartedly. They grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They attended Oklahoma Baptist University where Adam received his Bachelor’s degree in Religion and Elizabeth received her degree in Elementary Education. They left Oklahoma and moved to Texas for Adam to obtain his master’s degree in Missiology. The Lord then moved them home to Tulsa to work at the Church at BattleCreek. Adam served as the Mission’s pastor. They have 3 beautiful children: Cohen, 5, Cairo, 2, and Caroline 2 months.

In 2003 Adam and Elizabeth were called to The Church at BattleCreek, desiring to put God’s heart for all peoples in the DNA of their church. God opened many doors for that by placing them with a pastor whose heart also longed for the nations to know God. Their pastor is Egyptian and he grew up Coptic, so he desired to go to Egypt to minister to the Coptic people. In the fall of 2003 they began working among the Coptic people. They have been ministering there on short term trips for five years. God continues to show them favor with priests and other leaders within the church. For the last year they have struggled with the decision to move their family there full time. God showed both Adam and Elizabeth independently that He is definitely leading them to live among the Coptic people, and “serve” them.

Fun Facts
Listens to country music, enjoys eating, especially good red meat, in love with James Taylor, enjoys reading, loves wrestling with his boys, and loves to watch a good sci-fi (Which according to Elizabeth makes him a nerd).
Her newest love is her new SLR camera, shopping (especially for shoes), loves decorating her home, loves reading books on parenting and good love stories, playing with her three children, and spending time with her handsome hubby.
Loves any sport, reading books, and playing with his army men and Hot Wheels cars.
Does anything his brother does, climbs on everything, loves to give hugs and wave to any stranger.
Loves her momma! Loves pink, and loves to be cute!!!